We graft early ripening varieties that produce ripe fruit here in Alaska onto hardy Ranetka Siberian root stock.
The scion wood is taken from trees in our orchard in Palmer, which are acclimatized to Alaska. We sell trees that have grown out 5 years after grafting to insure
that the individual tree can withstand Alaskan winters, that the graft has healed, and the tree is growing well. Trees generally bear fruit reliably by the 5th year.
Trees come in 6 gallon pots, are 5 or more years old, and priced at $125. Two or more varieties in one tree available for $15 per extra graft.
Trees are for sale May through September at the farm by appointment Sunday - Friday
(call 907-746-1087), or at the Anchorage Farmers
Market Saturdays 9:00am - 2:00pm. We will bring special orders can to the
market for pick up if you call us in advance (907- 746-1087).
Apple Varieties:
Hyer 12, Hyer 20, Norland, Oriole, Chinese Golden Early,
Yellow Transparent, Geneva Early, Rescue, Dolgo Crab, Parkland,
Summer Red, Red Transparent, Mantet
Vegetable seedlings and limited flower seedlings are tried and true short season varieties that grow well in our
region, started from seed here in our greenhouses, acclimatized to our day length.
Bedding plants are for sale May 1 to June 15 at the farm Sunday - Friday, 10:00am - 6:00pm, or at the
Anchorage Farmers Market Saturdays, 9:00am - 2:00pm.
Determinate, cold hardy varieties, well-suited to growing outdoors in 5 gal. containers, or in raised beds in your
garden. All outdoor varieties are prolific producers of red 1-2 inch tomatoes:
- Glacier
- Siberian Otradny
- Siberian Zaryanka
- Odessa
- Cold Set
- Urbikany
- Northern Light
- Sub-Arctic Plenty
Indeterminate varieties for greenhouse growing:
- Early Girl
- Stupice
- Big Beef (beafsteak)
- Celebrity (large, slicing)
- Amish Paste (Roma)
- Sun Gold (orange cherry)
- Super Sweet 100 (red cherry)
All plants are 3-4 months old in 1.5 gal. pots.
Tomato plants are for sale May 1 to June 15 at the farm Sunday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm, or at the
Anchorage Farmers Market Saturdays 9:00am - 2:00pm.
Petunia (various types, colors)
Nasturtium (Alaska, Jewel, Empress of India types)
Marigold with Lobelia (various types, colors)
Trailing Pansy
Living Bouquet (assorted flowers)
Herb (assorted herbs)
12 inch baskets range in price from $30 - $40.
Hanging baskets are for sale May 1 to June 15 at the farm Sunday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm, or at the
Anchorage Farmers Market Saturdays 9:00am - 2:00pm.